Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Saw this from KB's blog again, here's the website: http://world.doubutsu-uranai.com/

1)Purple Wolf types of people tend to be pretentious in attitudes and clothes (damn).
2)Because, you act very bald wherever you are, and your behavior is rather inconsiderate, people at first, think you are difficult to get on with (Double damn).
3)But you are really a very honest man, and once understood, you are liked by many people.
4)Although you seem to be idealistic, you have sociality as well.
5)You work hard and persistently to your goal.
6)You put priority on experience when making decision, and will put that into action.
7)You are good natured man.
8)You may be taken advantage of, and inflict loss.
9)Sometimes you turn to drinks to get away from that stress.
10)You dislike common things, and will insist your own ways of thinking.
11)You can provide an impetus to ordinary every day.
12)Good fortunes, naturaly comes to your side.
13)Even if you don't put in great effort, you can be successful by the works and help of the others around you.
14)You are also born lucky financially and materially.
15)You are weak on making quick decisions.
16)Although you are not good at work that requires quick decision making, you have a sense of planning.
17)If you have someone who can put your plan into action, you will be successful.
Conclusion: You are a very very nice person, one who is nicer than KB.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Did this analysis of my past life, got it from KB's blog. The website's here: http://www.thebigview.com/pastlife/Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern North India around the year 1650. Your profession was that of a medic, surgeon or herbalist.
Your brief psychological profile in your past life:You had the mind of a scientist, always seeking new explanations. Your environment often misunderstood you, but respected your knowledge.
The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:Your lesson is to study, to practice and to use the wisdom that lies within the psychological sciences and in ancient manuscripts. With strong faith and hard work you will reach your real destiny in your present life.I think it's kinda not true, haha. Definitely I ain't someone who study practice and use wisdom within the psychological sciences and ancient manuscripts. I don't wanna be a 'antique' kinda man.
Monday, June 18, 2007
11 Jun
Went fishing with Janson, Kenny and Alan at Changi beach in the midnight. Bought nasi lemak for supper, while we were waiting for fishes to get hooked, we had the delicious nasi lemak. Waited till like 3 plus, only caught one small catfish, then got one time fishing line break. We even found a floating soccer ball, they were like omg it's a head. Turned out to be a soccer ball HAHA. After awhile, wedecided to switch location. This time, we went to another side of Changi beach. Reached then prepared everything. While waiting, I actually fell asleep by the roadside, can't imagine how I fell asleep with all the cars zooming past. I woke up around 5 plus, found everyone gone. Before long, got call came. Quite obvious they were playing prank on me, so I just waited there till they come out. Then went home le.
Woke up around afternoon, went to Donut Factory to buy donuts, had subway for dinner. Then went to TM to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 3: To the World's End. Very nice movie. Funny too. Love the monkey lots. my favourite animal, too bad can't have one. Then went home.
14 Jun
Went to town with my brother walk around. Then went techno meet Din, Shawn, Keagan and his gf to have dinner. After that met Kannan and Roy to go to Lulu house. We slacked there the whole night, watched horror movie at her house, drank alcohol(super diluted you can't taste anything one) and did silly stuffs at Macdonald's. Then went home taking first bus.
15 Jun
Went TP, go gym. Met Gerald, Bryan, Fuad and Keagan at badminton court, then had subway cookies for lunch. Then went home. Got this construction in my brother's room recently, don't know why he must renovate his room when all the other areas in the house is still the same, all his stuffs are around the house, so irritating, blocking the way and all.
16 Jun
Supposed to go do community service, but someone cancel. Haha. Nvm, give me chance to sleep more since I slept at like 4 plus am the day before. Miraculously, I slept through the noise coming from the renovation till around 3 plus pm. Then slacked at home whole day. Met Kannan, Din and Shawn at Changi Airport. Slacked through the night there, around 5 plus am went to meet the LOM people. Saw Xuan and Samantha, sent them off. Samantha damn dao, from the time she reached she never even talk to me, msg also don't bother to reply (DAO KIA!!!). Then had breakfast at T2 staff canteen. Went home, almost had no keys to go home, my keys dropped on the bus. Luckily the uncle who sat beside me saw it and told Din and Shawn about it. They two good guys, dropped the next stop and walk back just to pass me the keys -). Then went home and sleep.
17 Jun
At night, went to Ikea with my brother, first time there, damn big can. Seriously can lose the way there de. Saw alot of nice stuffs. Too bad i am not in need for them. Then went home.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Woke up at like 7.45 in the morning, went Raffles City to buy donuts from donut factory. Had lotsa fun there, got to know this blogger, Kevin, who goes around Singapore looking for food. AND, I will be in one of the videos in his blog(not sure about this though)! Here's his blog:"theory.isthereason.com". Quite a nice blog actually, talks about interesting stuffs. Ha. Had a jolly good day travelling around, then finally back at TP. Slacked in BSC room a while before leaving.Was playing game when Apple called around 6 plus pm? Complained to me about her hair and all, then ask me pei her buy stuffs near Hougang mall, so being the good guy that I always am(HAHA), i agreed la. Met Apple at Hougang bus interchange at around 7.30, then walked one big round and reached her destination. Bought her stuffs, then we went to Hougang Mall and shopped(Yes, finally did some shopping)! Bought 4 ear studs. Then bought some apple hair clips for Apple since she wanted it. Then, walked around Hougang Mall, then went to Techno to meet them. At first thought got my ah-ma(s) and Kok Guan and Ryan, but when reached there only got Shawn, Din and Wesley. So just ordered food lo, in the end they three went one corner had minor meeting. So it's like no difference if me and Apple just ate in Hougang instead of meeting them. Then now at home lo.Mr D is back for me. Somehow, this time seems worse. I even had difficulty breathing when I was washing my face just now. I keep having images of stuffs that I myself imagined. And always have this thinking there's something scary waiting for me. Just scared of this feeling.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Hmm, just came home. Was quite a good, fun and happy day for me. Met my friends from TAS. Nice cake for lunch. Mini soccer. Till after dinner at techno, my guess has finally been confirmed. Should I be emo-ing now? I think I should, my heart felt like it's been pierced. But, shouldn't I have felt it when I first guessed it? I don't know why only until now then I feel the pain. Why didn't I just commit suicide when I was in year one, so I don't have to face such troublesome stuffs. Or maybe I should have just ran to the road just now like what I have thought of. I shall now heed Althea Jie Jie's advice. Well, in any case, I thank everyone who encouraged me and who have kept me company these few days. Well, my heart still hurts now. I seriously feel like I have alot to say but I just can't think of anything to type out now. Well, until then, till I finally do what I should do.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Skipped destination lecture with Wesley, had lunch at Mensa 2 with him, Woon Yah and Gerald. Then after that went to A1 bubble tea with Gerald and Jacqueline. Talked quite a while. All cock stuff.Then went home and took a nap, suppose to wake up 3 hours later, but had a really bad dream. One that I would most never want to think of at this moment. Then evening went to meet Din, Sharyl and Kannan at Techno, had dinner. After eating we went to the coffee shop beside KFC and meet Lou-lin ah ma and Patricia(my Pat khaki)(Pat as in our names ah, not pet ah). Then went home.31/5
Was finishing up my Business Chinese 600 words compo on 2 favourite parts in China. I did on musical instrument and martial arts. Haha. In the end around evening time then finally completed, had 800 plus words. Not bad, first time writing chinese compo that exceed 500 words. Quite sad while chatting with Althea Jie Jie online, she's leaving soon. Hope to be able to send her off during her departure. And of course hope to be able to go out as a programme comm together before she leaves. Chatted with Althea Jie Jie alot of stuffs, chat till quite happy, haha.
Suppose to wake up at 8, but woke up at around 6 plus instead. Think i subconsciously got worried about my mom. Just when I open my eyes, I hear the main door close shut, meaning my mom has left for Malaysia. Hope she's fine over there. Quite happy today, at least I know I never spend today doing nothing.