Wednesday, August 09, 2006

this is me wif my newly sprayed hair! waha. RED! nice rite. u noe u wan rite

another pic of miki!
So Sick Of Love Song,So Tired Of Tears|11:04:00 PM
another pic of miki!
My Adores:
My bolster.
My monkey(ASB).
My Abhors:
Atttitude givers.
My Wishlists:
New Sling Bag.
New Clothes.
Better Voice.
More Pocket $$.
Watch Movies:"Chicken Little" "The Promise" "Decent" "Memoirs of a Geisha" "Fearless" "Zodiac" "Transformers" "Fantastic 4" "Surf's up" "Spiderman 3"
New Nike Shoes.
Better Results.