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Thursday, March 16, 2006
For a graphologist, the spacing on the page reflects the writer's attitude toward their own world and relationship to things in his or her own space. If the inputted data was correct Ng has no white space or margins on a typical sheet of paper. Ng fills up every last inch on the top, right, left, and bottom. Hmmm. If this is true, then Ng has a very aggressive personality toward others and quite frankly lacks a bit of respect for the space and property of other people. I would be surprised if Ng just comes into someone's home and helps himself to a drink in the refrigerator. This can be both an obnoxious personality trait and it can be assertive and effective in getting what you want. There isn't much fear of getting in trouble here, Ng finds plenty of reasons to break the rules and get in trouble. (Okay, perhaps when he was younger, not anymore?) Basically, people with no margins are a handful.

Ng has difficulty trusting anyone. In fact, he trusts no one completely. This is a result of his trust being betrayed in the past. He has closed up, thus ceasing to allow close friendships. Ng truly wants close friends and desires physical relationships, but he fears he will get hurt, again. He is lonely, yet has a crying need for close friends. This trait can cause much unhappiness. However, it can be changed.

Something is incomplete in Ng's life. He feels frustration relating to his physical needs and desires. Somewhere in his life there is some disappointment, non-fulfillment, and interruption. This is very likely to relate to Ng's sexual needs.

Ng is having a lack of physical energy at the time this handwriting was written. If someone has very short and straight down lower loops (like in the y or g), this indicates this person's physical drive (activity or sex) is compromised. Usually, this indicates the person simply isn't interested in getting too physical right now. This could be a temporary mood which often happens when the body is sick and is healing. Or, this could be a result of an emotional or physical issue that is effecting Ng 's energy level and interest in sex. Sex doesn't seem to be a priority at the moment.

Ng is sarcastic. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect his ego when he feels hurt. He pokes people harder than he gets poked. These sarcastic remarks can be very funny. They can also be harsh, bitter, and caustic at the same time.

Ng's true self-image is unreasonably low. Someone once told Ng that he wasn't a great and beautiful person, and he believed them. Ng also has a fear that he might fail if he takes large risks. Therefore he resists setting his goals too high, risking failure. He doesn't have the internal confidence that frees him to take risks and chance failure. Ng is capable of accomplishing much more than he is presently achieving. All this relates to his self-esteem. Ng's self-concept is artificially low. Ng will stay in a bad situation much too long... why? Because he is afraid that if he makes a change, it might get worse. It is hard for Ng to plan too far into the future. He kind of takes things on a day to day basis. He may tell you his dreams but he is living in today, with a fear of making a change. No matter how loud he speaks, look at his actions. This is perhaps the biggest single barrier to happiness people not believing in and loving themselves. Ng is an example of someone living with a low self-image, because their innate self-confidence was broken.

Ng is a cumulative and procedural thinker. He likes to have all the facts before making a decision. He thinks or creates much like a brick mason, stacking fact upon fact. His thought pattern or the conclusion will not be complete until the last fact is in place. Like that brick wall, Ng learns faster through visual demonstration than through quick verbal instructions. Once he has learned new material, and understood it, he won't forget. Ng is a methodical thinker, therefore he is able to build things and come up with new ideas. In an argument, he often loses to rapid thinking people because he is thinking thirty minutes later about what he should have said. These people often are very booksmart, but can be out-gunned in a rapid fire verbal debate. He may learn new ideas at a slower pace than other "less detailed" people, but once he gets it, he can handle repetition. Some people hate jobs with too much repetition, he can handle it better than most.

Ng will be candid and direct when expressing his opinion. He will tell them what he thinks if they ask for it, whether they like it or not. So, if they don't really want his opinion, don't ask for it!

Ng will demand respect and will expect others to treat him with honor and dignity. Ng believes in his ideas and will expect other people to also respect them. He has a lot of pride.

Ng has difficulty making decisions. His mind changes constantly. He lives in an emotional tug of war. Ng could be described like a thermometer. Today warm and friendly, yet tomorrow he may be distant and cold, not wanting to be close to anyone. Some research indicates that people with a severe variety in the slant of their handwriting have an inability to tolerate sugar and are suffering the side-effects of too much sugar in their diet. If moods swings are a reoccurring issue, investigate the diet. If Ng encounters a situation he cannot handle he frequently pulls into himself. He feels his emotions are secure if he is withdrawn. When he has solved the problem he can be very outgoing and again need other people's companionship. Some see Ng as very moody, but it it would be more accurate to say he has two complete personalities that he chooses depending on the circumstance. This type of person is often hard to understand because no one knows what personality he is exhibiting today. He may not be bothered by something one minute, then the next minute become upset at the same thing. It is very difficult to pin down Ng's emotional expressiveness.

People that write their letters in an average height and average size are moderate in their ability to interact socially. According to the data input, Ng doesn't write too large or too small, indicating a balanced ability to be social and interact with others.

So Sick Of Love Song,So Tired Of Tears|8:54:00 AM